mw. Carolien Roos
Firm interior architects
Panamalaan 2C
1019AZ Amsterdam
Space defines people. Better space equals happier people. We believe that design affects the quality of our lives. In cities, in buildings, in offices, in our homes. It is the reason why we keep on pushing ourselves forward to create better space. Space defines who you are and where you are going. We create architecture for branding. Not necessarily and only corporate branding but for identity, genus loci and place-making. Architecture to orientate, so that you know where you are in the world and, in the best of places, why you are there and why you will return. We believe it is our job to create places that inspire. Architecture reaches many channels. From poetry to technology, from craftsmanship to art. We build bridges from one to another. This assures that what originates from us will be useful, bring joy and remain for some time. Good design is not a luxury, but a necessity.