ir. Danny Esselman
VenhoevenCS architecture+urbanism
Hoogte Kadijk !43F15
1018BH Amsterdam
The office VenhoevenCS architecture+urbanism is an innovative Dutch design office for sustainable, integrated, and smart architecture, urban development and infrastructure. The office has an international portfolio of designs, research and consultancy projects and is recognized with numerous publications, awards and exhibitions in the Netherlands and abroad. In our design practice we work in interdisciplinary teams. We have access to an international network of top specialists in fields such as energy, environment, health, infrastructure and mobility, water management, regional economic development, (social) geography, city branding, leisure, (public) art, landscape, nature and (metropolitan) agriculture, and construction and buildings physics and cost management. These include experts from business, knowledge institutes and government organizations. Depending on the demands of specific assignments we compose the optimal teams. We are used to integrating ideas and initiatives from citizens and users in all our designs. We consider participatory planning to be a powerful tool to create value for everybody. Our team of highly educated and experienced senior architects and project leaders have expertise in various fields of architecture+urbanism.